You probably have a decent bike.
You probably even spend a fair amount of time riding and training.
Yet your riding is still less than stellar.
So why doesn’t your riding improve?
And what is improvement in the first place?
Improvement is when you have more fun and enjoyment than you did previously. This is very subjective and improvement to you may be something completely different than it is to someone else. No matter your motivation these mistakes apply to every cyclist.
1. Don’t ride enough
Ok this is pretty obvious. If you don’t spend time riding you will not improve. If you want to become a better cyclist the one thing that you have to do is ride. You need to spend quality time on your bike out on the road. (no a trainer is not a substitute) Without this basic ingredient you will have a hard time improving your overall experience. Now this does not mean you should just ride hard every day, your body needs time to recover.
2. No Recovery
You train hard every day and yet the results are not coming in the way you want. The reason you are not improving may be that you are not giving enough time for your body to recover.
In fact this is probably the most important part of training. No matter what type of riding you do. When you workout you break your body down, your body needs adequate time to rebuild. Eating the right foods, staying hydrated, and lots of rest will help your body recover faster.
3. Wrong equipment
Having a bike that is appropriate for the type of riding you are doing can really improve your experience. Making sure that you have the appropriate clothing, wheels, and even tires can make a big difference in your cycling.
4. Poor technique
If you are riding to the coffee shop technique doesn’t matter too much as long as you can get there for your caffeine fix. But performance riding is completely different. Many cyclists just ride hard or far and don’t give a second thought to proper pedaling technique, cadence, or even body position. This is an area where huge improvements come with just a little focused effort and time.
5. Poor bike fit
If you have spent any amount of time riding you know how important it is to have your bike adjusted to fit your body. If you are not comfortable you will not be fast or go very far. While riding a bike is not like sitting on your couch it doesn’t have to hurt. When your position is adjusted properly there should not be any thought of the bike. What I mean is that you are not thinking about how the saddle hurts, or shoulders or whatever. Some adjustments can be made on your own, but you really should see a professional.
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Improving you riding doesn’t just take one of these areas it takes all of them and more. Start today working on the one that is your biggest reason for not improving. Mine is that I don’t ride enough.
I would love you hear your biggest reason.
Learn about how we can help you improve your riding.
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John Rees says
I can attest to the bike fit issue. My wife struggled for years with her riding. We spent a lot of time trying to adapt her to her bike, and even got a new ‘women specific’ bike. Nothing really helped much.
In her case, we ended up going with a custom frame from Serotta, after expert measurments were made. This properly fitted bike has transformed my wife’s riding. She enjoys it more, is faster, and recovers better from long rides. It’s definitely worth it, especially if you are either a shorter than average or taller than rider.
Victor says
Thanks for the comment. At least you guys sought out a fitter and finally corrected the problems. Many riders actually give up cycling because of poor fit. They don’t realize that it is not normal to have these various aches and pains.
yenrod says
Everything Victor says is the real deal end of – for me. Everyone should check out what he says on shoes and fit…sure would love to meet this man. Outstanding advice !!! Lee. England (UK)
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I have been cycling and training from being a very young boy and can safely say that cycling has to be in built and part of your life. I do not believe in coffee shop rides or chain gang training because you just lose focus. For dedication to ensue you must really want to achieve and have a goal set. Read the book by Greame Obree “The Obree Way” – this speaks for itself. If you can go out with the lads in the chain gang and have the breath to chat then you are not pushing yourself hard enough and hence no improvement. It is not down to the bike nor clothing it is attitude and state of the mind