Fatigue: Why Your Brain Prevents You From Giving Your 100% You’ve probably heard that playing a sport or overcoming a physical challenge is more of a mental effort than it is a physical one. There may actually be some truth to that. Think about fatigue during a hard workout. It’s extremely uncomfortable, often painful, […]
Clipless Pedals for Lighter Riders
Clipless Pedals for Lighter Cyclists This is a guest post from my good friend Darryl at Loving The Bike Blog If you’re a cycling lightweight like me then you just might want to make a change to the pedals you’re using on your bike. I’m 125 pounds and if you’re around that weight or lighter […]
One Athletes Ironman Story of His Near Death Experience
How I found my Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Intense foot pain slowed me down to a crawl as I finished IMLP in 2010 In January of 2010, whilst lying quietly in bed, I noticed a prominent pulse in my lower abdomen. At that time I was at an intense level of training for my favorite […]
Only 28 Minutes of Riding Improved Power by 6%
30 second sprints can give a big boost to your power Adding a few sprints to your weekly workouts may give you an edge over the competition. When scientists compared trained cyclists who did their normal endurance sessions with riders who added a series of sprint sets twice a week, they found the intense efforts […]
Does carbohydrate plus protein intake improve cycling performance?
In the world of exercise, nutritional intake is an important factor in determining not only the response to training, but also athletic performance. To date there have been a number of nutritional strategies used in cycling to improve performance. However media and commercial interest in these various nutritional strategies has resulted in a lack of […]