In this interview Victor talks with Chris Carmicheal about coaching and training for normal everyday athletes. Here is the transcript of the interview Victor: Hi, this is Victor Jimenez from In today’s interview, I have a really special guest. His name is Chris Carmichael. Most of you probably know who he is. If […]
Does carbohydrate plus protein intake improve cycling performance?
In the world of exercise, nutritional intake is an important factor in determining not only the response to training, but also athletic performance. To date there have been a number of nutritional strategies used in cycling to improve performance. However media and commercial interest in these various nutritional strategies has resulted in a lack of […]
Interview With Fatcyclist
Interview with a comedian mastermind In this interview I caught up with Elden Nelson the mastermind behind the blog Fatcyclist Elden got his start in blogging just to have a sounding board for his weight loss journey. It has now turned into one of the top blogs about cycling. In the interview we talk about […]